Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Beginning

Well I am writing this seated between two very young children with a drunken father seated to the left of the the little girl on my left and a nervous mother, trying to appear calm hovering around and pehaps tying to use SKYPE.

Had A nice lunch. A bit like stake and eggs. Translated to the language of Philly it might be called ýeah Frankie!´ It was set off by a very large glass of strawberry juice. Here the better restaurants have double linen as many once did.

This situation is disturbing my mood a bit. The kids are behaving, but the ´father´ is a borderline case.

My rooms at La Montana Magica, which seem very inviting at this point, were a bit like a Swiss or Barvarian chelet. Downstairs was a nicely apointd small living room, a small kitichen, and a bath. Upstairs the bedrom had five very large windows with marvelous log views of cyprus covered valleys and ridges. One of the widows was done in cut glass much liea church window.

In the bedroom was a nice double bed with elegant linen, four wool blankets, and a simple quilt. Close to the been was a nice small raised fire place. I position to enjoy the views was a hamoc, and a wool rug set with pillows. I had the bautiful quiet place with two very good large meals a day --- for 40 dollars a day and cried about the steep prices. Enjoyed myself anyway. I evenejoyed looking at the rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, goats and sheep on the property.

Made to pligimages down to Medelin and saw the changes to be amazing. Beautiful transportation system of elevated rails and cables plus a very good bus system. Tall beautiful buildings everywhere. Great shopping places. Ruanas and carriels were gone and the arrepas were flat!

Still in place were much of the Antioquian fine manners and the beautiful Antioquenas long graceful legs.

While here in Santa Cruz, I plan to attend two days of a festival of barroc and renaisances music. (I need a functional spellcheck!) The festival has been held every other year for about a decade. I have encountered a Dane and a Japanese that not only plan to attend but also to play. A While back, while some wooden mission buildings the Jesuits had constucted in the 1600 and 1700s were being saved, about a thousand pages of original barocco an ranacanse music was found around which the festival developed.


  1. Blogs are journals - a journal is mainly commnets from your heart related to events as they affect you - thus, our journals are about us.

    Hey, I'm go at this in the middel of the night.

    Love, G

  2. Hope to sleep well in La az tonight. Not alwas easy. If the situation in my new room in this hotel does no alow for good sleep, I have another room lined up for tomorrow.


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