Friday, November 07, 2008

Get Understanding

With all your getting, get understanding.
What should we understand?
We had better learn to understand one another much better.
We had best.


To learn.
Cooperate to learn.
Organize to learn.
Learn to organize.
Learn to cooperate.
Organize to learn.


Smothers still has a good eye, a good heart, a good mind, and balls.

Nutrition Follow-Up

November 6, 2008Hi Richard,Your request was sent to the Food and Nutrition Information Center at the National Agricultural Library, USDA. There are two sources that may have answers regarding your question on nutritive values of truck crops over time. They are:1) David Haytowitz, Vegetables Nutrient Data Specialist for USDA. I'vecc'd him in this email.2) Truck Crops Experiment Station (part of the Central MississsippiResearch and Extension Center in Raymond,MS) P.O. Box 231 2024 Experiment Station Road Crystal Springs, MS 39059 Phone: (601) 892-3731 Fax: (601) 892-2056I hope this information is useful. Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance.Shirley King Evans, Ed.M., R.D.Food and Nutrition Information CenterInformation Research Services BranchNational Agricultural Library10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 109Beltsville, MD 20705-2351301-504-5255skevans@nal.usda.gov_____________________________

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prompt Responce


Your inquiry is beyond the scope of this USDA office.
USDA’s Agriculture Research Service may be able to assist you.
You may also find some assistance from USDA’s National Agricultural Library’s
Food and Nutrition Information Service (FNIC)

Thank you
USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
3101 Park Center Drive Suite 1034
Alexandria, VA 22301
From: Herring, David Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 9:18 PMTo: CNPPsupportSubject: FW: nutritional values of trruck crops over time

From: []Sent: Wed 11/5/2008 8:20 PMTo: Herring, DavidSubject: nutritional values of trruck crops over time
Where can I get information on changes in the nutritional value of truck crops over time? I'm especially interested in data from recent decades, but am also interested in older data.
Who handles such research?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Who Gives a Floss

Some mothers, fathers, citizens, and eaters care about the quality of our food. Some have an interest in how the nutritional value of our food has fared over the years. Some are interested in the changes in nutritional value of truck crops over the decades, especially recent decades.

As tax paying citizens we sponsor institutions that one would think would have some interest in changes in the nutritional value of our food. I haven't been able to find any. For Example:
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture;
Nutritional Data Laboratory of the Agricultural Research Service;
Fruit and Vegetable Division of the Agricultural Marketing Service;
do not tabulate the nutritional value of our food over time. Well, it does all changes to shit. Wonder who is interested in changes in shit. I remember a study of pigs .....

Even now, when deliberate genetic changes account for great changes in nutritive values of truck crops (fruit and vegetables), organizations such as: Fruit and Vegetable Chemistry Research, ARS, USDA, Pasadena, CA; Vegetable Production Research, ARS, USDA, Salinas, CA; College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, U. of Calif., Riverside; do no longitudinal studies on the nutritional value of food.

I remember having cared.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

5:13 PM PST; Obama

First time in 40 years I haven't voted in a Presidential election.

At 5:13 PM PST, I say Obama will be Pres.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Quote

I suspect its largely true.

"On December 5, 1915, Lieutenant A. D. Cunningham of the Royal Nave Air Service playfully flicked his finger against his airships fabric covering. The resulting sound, which he then mimicked, sounded like "blimp." Thus a word was born,"

In the language.

Gerry's Genealogy

Check out to begin to find out what made it hard for an Irishman to stay at home.

Power in the language.

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