Sunday, May 04, 2008

Change Sweet Change

I´m back in La Paz after a very pleasant 3 days in Copacabana. Saw dancing Pacenos there and visited the Island of the Sun. Tomorrow I intend to visit Tijuanaco tomorrow. Tijuanaco is a set of ruins of the seat of important Incan and preIncan civilizations, Aymara and earlier. Pacenos, by the way, are city people from La Paz. They were celebrating a kind of religious ´madi gra.´
The present federal government here is the first to be run by Native Americas since the Conquest. They are experiencing a lot of national and internation resistance. They also have a lot to learn about their new position.


  1. Good to hear you enjoyed Copacabana. It sounds as if you may stay awhile. I look forward to hearing about this trip.

  2. Great to ´see´you here! Only stayed in Copa for three days, left a lot more to see.
    Short on camalids; saw only two alpacas, and a handful of llamas.
    Saw now vicuna and most people spoke with had never seen a guanaco.
    Sounds of Music coming from the plaza.
    Rather important referrendums comming up to effect this only american Indian government.


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