Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little National Dialogue, but some Discussion

I note with pleasure some of the issues being discussed a bit in this campaign season:
Some think it important to:
1. Realize that Congress needs to delegate, not abdicate.
2. Decide how we will monitor the quality of our food supply and who has the primary responsibility of overseeing that monitoring. Seems the thought is that deregulation has been over done.
3. Decide what basic public health research will be supported in our universities.
4. Decide what seem to be our best near term steps toward taking better care of our planet and our resources.
5. Decide on three or four areas in which to best support basic energy research.
6. Decide how we will better provide for veterans' housing, health, and education.
7. Decide on a monetary policy that supports housing for Americans.
8. Decide how we will create better employment for veterans and for the very many men and women who have been pushed so far out of the work force that they are no longer counted.
9. Create a policy which we and others can understand about when we will kill others in their own lands and how we will do the cost benefit analysis for that killing.
10. Consider making national decisions based on our values rather than on our fears.

What has pleased you in our national politics of late.

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