Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Let's listen to one another being honest.
Let's speak a bit more frankly and listen with a bit more understanding.
Let's speak a bit more deeply about our true desires and values.
Let's be honest listening to each other.

Keep an Eye on Them

We are giving are lives, our wealth, and our sacred honor into the hands of those who are not noble, wise or holy.
Doesn't it seem prudent to keep an eye on them?

One World

I've heard that about 1/4 of the air pollution in L. A. comes from China.
How much of the air pollution in China comes from L. A.?

As a people we need to: train people; organize exchanges of information, personal, and technology; aerate issues by discussion.
The Chinese and others have similar needs.
Seems like a opportunity to make a buck.
Perhaps, well motivated diplomatic corps and organizations of higher learning may find opportunities in those needs to move us toward a safer more stable world.

If you find that safety and stability is not your thing, perhaps attention to such needs by those prepared to do something about them can move us to a more interesting world of greater abundance.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I have received a ten page holiday letter from the people of the School of the Natural Order. I intend to respond with a couple of pages. I won't describe the school here. You can start to find out about it by searching the www using "Vitvan," "SNO," "School of the Natural Order."

Vitvan is a name taken by a man whose words I have studied a great deal. "The School" has been the source of those words for me.

In their Christmas letter Marj, Val, Jane, Jim, B. Free, Bill and others associated with Home Farm and "the School" offer the word "gift" as the seed of a meditation. I think that offer is a gift.

Formal giving is an infinitesimal part of my life. I seldom give money to charities. I seldom send a Christmas or birthday card to even the closest friends and relatives. I do enjoy nurturing others in my own way.

In the holiday letter five specific questions are asked. I will repeat the questions and attempt answers:
SNO: What does membership in the School of the Natural Order mean to you?
Me: Nothing.

SNO: Should there be responsibility associated with that membership?
Me: I don't know what "that membership" is. It does seem that most memberships would include interaction, cooperation, and creation.

SNO: Should membership be renewed or allowed to expire?
Me: I don't understand the question. I do know that usually, as members expire the body dies.

SNO: What should the the school do for its members?
Me: Keeping them healthy would be useful.

SNO: Do you feel that you are a member of the school?
Me: No.

My answers are my own. If you have found,say, the Salvation Army or the ACLU worthy of your support you may find SNO to be, at least, as worthy.

Mexican Maya

Cultural remnants found on the Yucatan Peninsula are strongly Maya and the are many.
Ancient gods and rites persist. Hach Chac Yum, Akyantho, Usukum, Kakich, and other gods are remembered. Pilgrimages are still made. Offerings are often and copal is still burnt. Prayers are made and purifications carried out.
When you decide to visit the land of the Maya the Mexican state of Tabasco can be a good place to start. In the region of the Chontalpa (Putun-Maya) is the town of Cardenas. If you want to see ruins, Comalcalco is not far.
Comalcalco is of interest to some as a place of debunking. As a student you may have learned that Arabs brought bricks to Spain, and that Spaniards brought therm to Mexico. At Comacalco are found pre-Colombian sun dried blocks of clay with no known connection to Arab or Spaniard. Stucco made of oyster and other shells were used to cover and ornament those bricks.
From Cardenas you might drive to Villahermosa and then on to Palenque in Chiapas. I don't mean to turn this history essay into a travel log. Still they often seem to go together, don't they? As for history, La Venta Park may be a good place to meet the Olmec, the Maya's predecessors.
I stop here to allow you to remember what you will of incomparable Palenque.

From Eckhart

"God never gave personal property to anyone." "Treat all things as if they were loaned to you ..."

"If a person were in a rapture as great as St. Paul once experienced and learned that her neighbor were in need of a cup of soup, it would be best to withdraw from the rapture and give that person the soup she needs."

" ... remember the poor."

Humanity in the poorest and most despised human being is just as complete as in the Pope or President.

" .... Humanity is dearer to me than the human being I carry about in myself."

If you would be comforted, comfort one worse of than yourself.

There is love where equality and unity are. Create real equality. Make place for peace and you make place for love. Be busy creating equality and therein find pleasure. "Practice equality in human society." Practice loving, esteeming, and considering yourself so that you may learn to love, esteem, and consider another and all. Nurture your empathy.

Humanity is born in the intimate depths of divine nature. See the nobility in each.

Cope strongly and effectively as you become rooted in love. You may move on and away from honored father and mother to find nourishing ground. Do not fear an other's anger. Feel bad only if an other's anger with you is merited.

A good deed results in justice. A deed of goodness and justice begins a dance of universal joy.

When you find a way which is beautiful, pleasant, joyful, and familiar hold to it and nurture it. The best have told us that the practice of loving justice brings us to that path.


To help a person who has experienced trauma, take her part. Be honest and realistic, but respect what he says and does, take her seriously, try walking in his shoes. Ask questions. Admit errors.
Show interest in her story. Look for messages, reenactments, and other evidence of traumas.

Adults with recent traumas may demonstrate neuroses or compulsion similar to a person traumatized in childhood.

The traumatized person benefits from having an honest understanding advocate.

Know that the past cannot be corrected, but the reality of it can be grieved in a way that allows one to move on in greater health.

The traumatized person is isolated by the trauma and may be lonely and misunderstood without being fully aware of it.

It may be unpleasant to be exposed to the anger and aggression of the person becoming aware of her trauma. The mute inner-child is easier to be with than a newly expressive adult. However the creative marvel of the regained ability to feel may be nearly as rewarding to the witness as to the person returning to their whole self.

The traumatized person has learned a fear of feeling. Once that fear is overcome healing, growth, and development begin and continue.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Not Obama

In our republic pretending to democracy, it is not up to Obama, me, or you to fix things. As a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, it is up to us.

From the land Around the Sea Surrounded by Land

They are mysteries until we illuminate them.
~ Did the Phrygians, the oldest human stock, a race older than the Egyptians, call the mother goddess Pessinuntia?
~ Is the nature of the Assyrian Hera fish-like?
~ Why is Hiew, a city in Syria near the Euphrates River, thought to be holy?
~ Did the goddess Ceres

Not All Mayan

The peoples of the Lacandon Jungle of the Yucatan peninsula have long been various.
They are not all Maya. Some are Caribes or Hach Winik.
We are not sure of much. For example, the source of the name Lacandon may or may not be 'Lacam-tun,' a name given to the island on the present Lake Miramar, used as a retreat by the Chol people into the 16th century.

Clear, solid information is still rather scarce, Even though it is now a fairly active area of study. More face to fact talk to present day Maya by experts with knowledge of Maya culture, history, and language is needed. More firsthand investigation of colonial archives is also needed. A lot of interpretation of more easily available information is also needed. You can participate. Your interpretations may provide valuable insights and understandings.

In 1530 captain Alonso Davila discovered the island mentioned above. It was described then as being in the center of a large lake and containing a village of rich, warlike Indians. The Spanish sacked it in 1559 and in 1586 the Indians themselves destroyed it completely.
Those warlike Indians were Caribes who had moved down the Orinoco to the Caribbean in excellent canoes centuries before the Spanish conquest. They moved on into the Caribbean islands probably as far north as Cuba. They dominated and intermarried with the Arawak natives they found occupying the islands.
The Caribes were probably more supported by their seamanship and war abilities than by other areas of their culture. They were the first to meet Columbus in the New World. Although the Spaniards war abilities were more advanced than those of the Craribes they were not able to enslave them. They did kill many and in certain cases virtually eliminated them form some islands. Still, it is not hard to find their decedents on islands such as Trinidad, Tobago, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, Dominica as well as at mainland sites.

So, we may note that certain people and proper names found in the lad of the Maya are not all Mayan.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I'd Really Like to Know

Some, probably not very important, questions related to ancient mysteries. Still, one of them might lead you to your thesis.

~ Why is the nature of the Assyrian Hera fish-like?
~ Why is Hiew, a city in Syria near the Euphrates River, thought to be holy?
~ How might the goddess Ceres been a bit cruel in driving off the brutish, primitive acorn?
~ How was a hero older than Heracles named?
~ Where have we learned that the true should be thought good?
~ What percentage of the present race of men are likely to have multiplied from Deucalion?
~ How long has Hermes been a representative of reason?
~ Who knows about the statue of Hera that had a red stone at its head that shown at night by its own light?
~ Why has Dionysus been called "Son of the Bull?"
~ Which peoples have considered the dove holy?
~ Why the confusion of Galli, Galli, Gaely, Gilli from Syria to Ireland?
~ What is the earliest recorded time we were told to use this day well?
~ How does the faculty creative of moisture relate to Osiris?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The People

War is hell.
When we wage war we raise hell.


A knowledge of history moves one to a truer more effective understanding of the action of cause and effect in a fine variety of situations.

Now, just what is history? I know a guy that by early afternoon says, "Lunch is history." Does that mean that 'history is lunch?'

Is there a law of cause and effect?

My Three Blogs

I'm not sure why, but my title above reminds me of the name of an old TV program, My Three Suns.

I have started two other blogs. One I call a history blog and the other I call an affirmations blog.

I started the history blog because I have so many ideas for history posts that they would soon overwhelm other areas on this A Personal Journal blog. I have given the history blog the neither short nor snappy title, Notes on the Past Which May Point to Power. If, after checking out this new history blog, you get an idea for an appropriate title for it which is short and snappy, please tell me (comment below). This new blog may be found at

I started the affirmations blog because my many affirmations would also tend to overwhelm the Journal. The affirmations are both a way to continue a practice important to me and a way to share an intimate inner part of myself to with interested others. Also, over the decades, I have learned much about affirmations which is difficult to find elsewhere. So, this new affirmations blog is a way to teach advances in the practice by example. I've called this new blog Affirmations or Mine. It can be found at

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Welcome Email

Just received a great email in response to the recent Campbell post. I'll quote it:
"I'm so glad to see you've gotten onto Joe Campbell and the JFC. Joe was one of my favorites. He didn't always say what I wanted to hear, but he always said good and thoughtful words. 'The Power of The Myth' could be required reading for students in your classes."
As pleased and encouraged as I am to receive such email, I would still rather see it as a comment here. If it had been a comment here I wouldn't have felt the need to recopy it and we all could have enjoyed it and benefited from it.
I agree that there is much that many of us can learn from Campbell writings.

I must add that I am not now giving face to face classes and really now longer have any students.
In order to teach or to coach anyone or to help anyone on their way I need an inter-active situation. I have hoped that I could be helped on my way through comments here and that I could perhaps help others on their way by responding here to their comments.
As grateful and encouraged as I am by your email and especially by email related to a specific post,I would prefer to receive the comment here.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Who Comes After Disney?

According to a Richard Rodriguez article in the January/February issue of California, "Kevin Starr, the preeminent historian of California from the 1850s to the end of the 20th century, has described California as a chronology of proper names: Stanford, Atherton, Ginannini, Disney."
What other surnames would you add to the chronology?
Who can tell us something of Atherton?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Search the www for SNO, School of the Natural Order. When you get to the site you will find it pleasant. Take some time to enjoy the photo presentation. While there ask for the informative and well written biography of Vitvan and pay your 1 cent. Damn good buy!

Change and Balance Enhanced by Listening

~ It has been my experience that life is more lawful than awful.
~ Many neuroses are rooted in childhood.
~ Changes in personality are sometimes forced by trauma.
~ Changes in personality may occur from insights arrived at by repetition, remembering, and reinterpretation.
~ We can choose what seems appropriate effort to avoid trauma now. As children we were less able to do so.
~ We can choose our repetition, remembering, and re-interpretation better as a loving adult.
~ A child needs respect, attention, and understanding. An adult can benefit from the same.
~ A child needs to begin to see himself as others see him. You and I may benefit from similar seeing. A child does not choose by whom she shall be seen. You and I may.
~ Healing and balance may be quicker and surer as feelings are promptly expressed.
Appropriate expression of feelings may be learned. A child may learn not to express or even not to consciously experience feelings of anxiety, rage, anger, despair, dismay, pain, grief, etc. Adults may better choose to learn to feel and express feelings in more appropriately healthy ways.
~ A child may not only learn to repress certain feelings, but also to deny or disappear from consciousness the very memory of the trauma. We adults may find it very difficult to healingly emote, feel, or react to a trauma in a mature way if, for our conscious self, that trauma never occurred.
~ A man may know that he was exploded off the road in a foreign land, but he will benefit by repeating his story. He needs a respectful, attentive, understanding listeners who are able to hear the expression of his feelings or even raw emotions too.
~ Life is not necessarily fair or easy, but we can find it lawful.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Joseph Campbell

Check out The Joesph Campbell Foundation at to learn a bit more about Campbell and his work.

A Kind of Talk

You have a gift you can give and keep too.
Put it on the magic table.
See it shimmer morph and grow.

Friday, December 19, 2008

I Think That There is a Good Chance That .....

~ About 250,000,000 years ago a great dying occurred shortly after an asteroid hit Earth. Around the same number of years ago the petrified forest was still alive.
This may not be history but it sure is about the past.

~ I have no eye witnesses available for those happenings at those times. What I have is the analysis of well collected evidence by experts. I must use my understanding to evaluate the work of these experts. Often I feel little need to evaluate a particular work, but there are times that I do. At such times I feel the urge to get a bit more understanding along with my other getting.

~ It seems that 200,000,000 years ago, plus or minus 100,000,000 years, Pangae continued united. Could that asteroid of 'the great dying' have stirred it to tectonic action?

~ What did a good job of living through the great dying? Here's a starter hint. Between 250,000,000 and 90,000,000 years ago was the the time of large marine reptiles e.g. Ictheasaurs?, Icthyosaurs. Remains of them can be found in the Luning formation of Nevada.

~ What's a 100,000,000 years more or less?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Cahuilla Homeland

European history in and around what I earlier called the Cahuilla homeland was well begun by 1750. The Spaniards had begun relationships with some native peoples by the mid-1600s! In 1769 when Spain began systematic establishment of missionary and defensive outposts in California and sent expeditions by sea and y land up the peninsula of Lower California, a sequence of events was begun which led to happenings I hope to write more of.

I have begun to look at some of happenings relating to the experiences of certain Spaniards and persons of Spanish heritage from about say 1750 to about 1850 in the region of the Cahuilla homeland.

It was during this time that peoples of many tribes began to learn to communicate in Spanish and learn about Europeans. At the same time the Spanish began to learn much about the Native Peoples.

During this same period people like the Hoopa were already speaking Russian and adopting Russian names. Starting in the Aleutians and Alaska the Russian were trading and trapping well south of their fort near what was to become San Francisco.

Interesting times for Native Peoples.

Lots of Neat Mysteries

Etruscans had a higher culture than did the Italics who became the Romans. Did those Etruscans come from what is now Turkey about 900 BC as they claimed? How close to those of Troy might they have been? How is it that Etruscan see ms to have been the language of the early inhabitants of the Aegean island of Lemnos?

Besides the Etruscans other peoples around before the great Indo-European migrations included a Caucasian group typified by Georgians. I find it interesting that the languages of the ancient kingdom of Van and of the Hattites, Kassites, and Elamites are probably part of this group. And interesting also that all of these may be related to the Sumerians who are an early part of our direct line of high culture.

Elamites and Sumerians lived in close contact with each other near the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates about 2500 BC.

There is evidence that as early as 2300 BC there was contact by sea via Bahrain among the people of southern Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.

Where might knowledge of the Caucasian kingdom overthrown by the people who became the Armenians lead us?

Where might knowledge of the ancient, interesting and important towns of Mari and Isin lead us?

Knowledge from all these people nourish us via the culture of Persia, Greece, and Rome. And Egypt, forget about it!

An small, but notable vein of that culture started for the Americas before Columbus via Ireland and Iceland.

There are stories available to us about these happenings which carry much more wonder than the brief notes above.


As I have the leaders I have earned; why am I mislead?

How well are you lead?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

American Nation

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, as an infant, was carried across North America by his mother Sacagawea. He was born in Fort Madan in North Dakota in 1805. His father, French Canadian trapper Toussaint Charbonneau, had been hired by the Lewis and Clark Expedition as an interpreter. Jean Baptiste spent six years in Europe and learned to speak German and Spanish as well as polishing English and French their.
Captain William Clark had seen to his earlier education at St Louis on the Mississippi.

This may be a place to begin to appreciate anew how much our existence as a nation depends upon the French and the Native American.

It Was Abdication I Know

It seems to me that many of our school boards are abdicating their duties and responsibilities, because many of our parents are abdicating theirs.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Sarah Conner Chronicles

While you check out my history blog: imagine the strategy and the morality. Then watch King of the Hill and the Simsons. After that watch a couple of episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles, then consider the part history plays as you reconsider the morality and strategy. Then be lead to the proverbs of Go.

So. Cal. Now

Anza-Borrego State Park at Borrego Springs preserves 600,000 acres of the Colorado Desert. You can check-out the fossils of the Carrizo Badlands and the shade of 17 Palms Oasis while visiting the the Park. You can get into hot water near there too.

Joshua Tree National Park is nearly in my back yard. Its east of the mineral baths of Desert Hot Springs and south of the 29 Palms Marine Base. If you are healthy and energetic a walk to and a visit at Hidden Palms Oasis near the Parks Cottonwood Springs entrance is a great way to begin to explore the area. My first visit to Hidden Palms was by moonlight, magic! Traveling south from that Cottonwood entrance you can reach the grapes and dates of Mecca in surprisingly short order. From Mecca you can visit the Salton Sea, Indio, and Palm Springs. The Slabs too, if you want.
If you leave JT Park at night by the 29 Palms entrance you will probably be treated to the lights of the great Marine Base. They may remind you or Disneyland.


The Cupeno band of Indians was moved off Warner Ranch in 1903 and relocated to the Pala reservation 70 miles away. The march took three days and was not a happy trail. The 35 or so remaining Cupeno had be accused of stealing from the heard of 5000 or so head on the ranch. When the decision of Barker v. Harvey was handed down, the U. S. government offered to buy new land for the Cupeno, but the refused.
Cecilio Blacktooth, spokesman for the Cupa at Agua Caliente Village said, "If you give us the best place in the world, it is not as good as this. This is our home. We cannot live anywhere else; we were born here, and our fathers are buried here."
My first hand evidence for these things is slight, but when did the U.S. purposely give 'relocated' Indians the best lands?
Let me add more of my opinions. Cupa still believe that the area of Warner Springs is sacred. The spirits of their ancestors live in the Cupa as they try to regain their cultural and religious places. Still, just because the Cupa probably have right on their side doesn't me that there isn't a mean spirited Cupa. And is the spirit of Juan Jose ner and of Dona Vincenta Supulved de Carrillo all bad?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


It seems to me that it is better to make comments about posts to this site, on this site.

I received a comment about a link to this site by email. However, It was about a link to this site and I really don't know where it could have been made. What do you think?

Here's part of the comment:
"I would bet that there are insects which attack Cannabis and others which attack Poppies. Know anything about such things?"

California Retired Teachers


Are you an expert in math, science, social studies, language arts, technology? Check out:

First Financial Credit Union

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Consider that Spanish made the first European contact with the Maya in 1511 AD when one of the Spanish explorer Valdivia's ships was wrecked off the east coast of of the Yucatan Peninsula during an expedition from Panama to Santo Domingo. Two survivors of that shipwreck began a penetration of a Mayan culture still free from contact with 'the West.' The names of those survivors were Jeronimo de Aguilar and Gonzalo Guerrero. Guerrero integrated into the Maya culture and later fought on their side against the conquerors. Aguilar, a lay brother forced into slavery by his captors, joined Hernan Cortez at Cozumel in 1519.
The Peninsula of Yucatan was discovered for the 'western world' by Francisco Hernzadez de Cordoba in 1517. Systematic collection of data on the culture of the Maya until the arrival of Fray Diego de Landa in 1549. Although Land had Mayas killed, destroyed cultural remains and burned codices, he also gathered a great deal of data on the Maya. In 1566 he returned ti Spain, and wrote Relacion de las Cosas de Yucatan, perhaps the most important document we have in Maya culture.

The territory occupied my the Maya include what is now the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Quintana Roo, and the eastern half of Chiapas. As well as the greater part of Guatamala, excepting a strip along the Pacific Coast, the western section of Honduras, and a small portion of Belize.
Territory of the Maya may be divided into three geographical zones: the southern highlands characterized by the Cordillera of Central America with peaks over 13,000 feet and containing the beautiful lakes of Amitlan, Atitlan, and Isabel; the central lowland characterized by savanna and jungle with a river system mostly merging to fir the River Usmacinta. On an island in a lake in the central lowlands stood a stronghold of the Maya called Tayasal; the northern zone mostly covered by thorn bush and containing the famous cenotes.
Mayas constructed bottle-shaped cisterns called chultunes.
The Mayan languages are usually divided into ten main groups.
The Maya had close, early contact with the Zoque.

Many Trails of Tears

A trail-head for one of them in California is the chapel of St. Francis Assissi near Warner springs on State Highway 79. It serves a primrily native population. Mass and burials are conducted at the chapel.

The point from which the 'trail of tears' for the people who now live at Pala began is marked by this little chapel. Near it a plaque commemorating the loss, and steps leading to it may be found. Bring your glasses; the writing on the plaque is small. Bring your respect and reverence too. This place is holy for a significant number of people.

Early Spanish speaking people said that an Indian community near here had been called El Cuanan.

In 1847 Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, son of Sacajawea visited the area.

Mission Santa Ysabel is a very short drive from the chapel

New Blogs

I've begun two new blogs.
One way to get to them is by scrolling down to the bottom of this page until you reach the words "view my complete profile" and clicking on them. Once you get to "My Profile" it will be easy to find the list of my blogs and to click on one that interests you.

Mayan approximation of the Date of Creation

It is my guess that ancient Mayan astronomers loved numbers almost as much as the loved the night sky.
I understand that those astronomers estimated that creation happened just over
41,943,040,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years ago. Who wants to check their math?


"Little birdie won't you sing me a song?
I've got a short time to be here and a long time to be gone."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Toward a Personal Better

~ I am ready to learn to remember to use this day well.

~ I am ready and willing to learn to live well in the present and to laugh a great deal right here and right now.

~ I am ready and willing to learn better breathing techniques here.

~ I am ready and willing to learn to pray for bright days, knowledge of the truth, and the power of keen-sighted thinking.

~ I am ready to learn to be a bit more aware of that which I wish to deny today.

Calif. Stuff

Run away to the circus.
Take trapeze classes. Check out: and

Another interesting California on line site is:

Others are:

For those still in love with the car, the Justice Brothers Racing Museum in Duarte California contains a collection of midget race-cars among many other types of vehicles and other artifacts:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How many died?

Just heard a PBS TV announcer say that two troops were killed in Iraq today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope she meant troopers, which is very bad. Each trooper is a a human being. A man or, perhaps, a woman.

We all know that a troop is many and two troops is twice as many. It may be hundreds of people,
scores of men, dozen of women. A horrible tragedy!

Why?!!!! Why!!!!????? did she say such a thing?

Search Older Posts

Search "older posts" a bit and tell me which ones you hate the most.

Should you find one you like, I'd like to hear about it too.

Click on labels of interest.

Search blog.

Poopin' Green

I may not be living very green, or even eating green, but my feces is a pretty agreeable green these days. I'm eating compressed alfalfa leaf tablets, but that doesn't really do it.
What's doing it is that I have begun to ingest the intense green of "the algae" again. The form I am eating is stilled called Omega Sun, but it is harvested by a new company, Simplexity Health.
"The algae" is the wild blue-green algae, Aph. flos-aqua, from Oregon.
Cell Tech was the harvester when I first learned to enjoy its benefits.

Seed Meditations

Adapted or adopted from Meister Eckhart:
~ Prayer is made pure by the pure heart.
~ It is always in the process.
~ It is good to me if I give birth within myself, in my time, in my culture.
~ To bear fruit, let go and let be.
~ Every single thing points me toward God, so that I come to grasp God in all things.
~ Share with others, share joy, share spiritual things, hare myself.
~ The spirit comes from within me; the holy spirit comes from within me.
~ Learn inner solitude; learn to penetrate things and find God there.
~ Look on everything as divine.
~ Reside in justice and so reside in God.
~If something outside me compels me to work, that work is dead.
~ That which moves me to work from the innermost region of my soul, there is my life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Miscelaneous Word Stuff

Our words are important. Most of our important thinking is in words. We can confuse ourselves as well as others with our words. How our thinking is organized is important. We organize most of our thinking around words.

It seems important to consider the definitions, meanings, and referents that we attach to the words of others. Isn't it important to consider the definitions, meanings, and referents important others in our lives attach to our words? Understanding and being understood are states we usually claim to value.

Might not we benefit by acting as though our words were as sacred as our honor? Are we as good as our word? What can be found about 'word' in the Bible?

Consider a word you have used recently in an important situation. How did you understand it? How did your listener understand it? What was your intention?

Your power to discriminate among words and their meanings is important to your relationships, the organization of your thoughts, and the many of reality.

Words help you to share a 'meaningful relationship.'
Words help you interpret a 'meaningful look' to another, or to yourself.

It might benefit us to be a bit more aware of what we are saying. Being unconscious of what we are doing or saying can get us into trouble. Perhaps making a bit more effort to know what we are saying, may be well worth the effort.

If a man says "I am going to leave you in the dust." on the spirit of healthy competition; but, is understood to say, "I am going to bury you." dead or alive; what could be the result?

I seem to be much like the one who says, "How can I tell what I think, until I hear what I say?"
Perhaps, like you, I speak not only to tell others what I think, but to tell myself as well.

My guess is that it is true.

"You Would Never Have Guessed Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 as age 76, which is odd, because he always looked to be 76. (DOB: 6/27/27 ) His death reminded me of the following story. Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3- and 4-star generals at Arlington National Cemetery. His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer: I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know the extent of his Corps experiences.

In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima. There is only one higher Naval award... the Medal Of Honor! If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man, he credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery. Dialog from 'The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson' His guest was Lee Marvin. Johnny said, 'Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima ...and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded.' 'Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the bottom and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys getting shot hauling you down. But, Johnny, at Iwo, I served under the bravest man I ever knew... We both got the Cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison. That dumb guy actually stood up on Red beach and di rected his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of gunfire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because his men's safety was more important than his own life.

That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said, 'Where'd they get you Lee?' 'Well Bob... if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!'

Johnny, I'm not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever knew. The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan. You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo.'

On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many tattoos on his forearm and biceps. He was a master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat

After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian minister and; therefore, a pacifist. Vowing to never harm another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to trying to help lead children on the right path in life. He hid away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm.

America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did; they quietly go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy. Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst. Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened.

Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom. With encouragement, they could be the next Captain Kangaroo or Mr. Rogers. "

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free Art

Big Easy Biennial of contemporary at is running until 1-18-9.


I have heard of no intent of the Loyal and Fraternal Order of the Freckled Goldfish to compete with E. Clampus Vitus.

Changes in the Quality of AM Radio Signals

What are the chances that our loss or AM Radio signal strength could, to a significant degree, be do to atmospheric experimentation?


The personal affirmations I am beginning to publish is a way to honestly disclose myself to you as I encourage my own improvement. I intend to say more of the nature of the affirmations I work with. However, for now I will write out four of my newer affirmations below:
~I am ready and willing to learn to better know what it means to praise well this month.
~I am ready to learn to know that learning is seldom easy.
~I am ready and willing to learn to understand that I desire to satisfy all of my needs now.
~I propose to be a bit more aware of what I am willing to do to satisfy a need of mine this month.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How and Who

Who do we have who might explain to us how the way our recent wars have been financed impinges on our present financial situation?

How have we had guns and butter?

How have we financed these wars without raising taxes?

How was the money made?

Irrawaddy Flotilla Company

Go to to learn more about Pandaw River Cruises.
We can cruise Borneo, The Mekong, The Upper Irrawaddy, and more.
Take me with you and I will pay my own way and watch your bag. All you have to do is keep me from leaving my passport on the counter or missing the boat.

Uns, Ons, We, Us

Uns and Ons are archaic forms of we and us.

Definitions for 'we,' 'us,' and 'our' from my dictionaries:

"We" usually refers to you and I and the rest of our group.
"We" is our group which acts.
"Us" is our group upon which action is taken.
"Our" is that which belongs to us or with us.

"Group" was originally used to refer to the disposition of a set of figures. Ir came from words referring to a round lump, a mass, but also a crop. A group may be an assemblage, esppecially of persons. It is a set of individuals considered together because of similarities. A group may be considered to have a certain arrangement, disposition, tendency, mood, or inclinnation. Members of a group may have tendency to act in a certain manner under goven circustances. A group supposes and opposes.

A "we" is a group, a unit, a set of persons. who belong together, but is less inclusive than a family. A "we" is made up of persons who are likely to share in common: interests, character traits, temperment, personality traits, moods, natures, values, backgrounds, opinions, assumptions, philosophies, tendencies, inclinations, and the like.

The individuals of a give group frequently communicate.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Humphry Clinker"

Just finished reading "Humphry Clinker" by Tobias Smollett. It was Smollett's final work and probably his most optimistic. Smollett was a Scott who practiced surgery and knew Italy and Jamaica. He died in Italy on September 17, 1771. "Humphry Clinker" might be called a book of manners and is set in travels in England, Wales, and Scotland. It could serve to enrich ones travels in the area. It's form is of letters among the characters. In fact it seemed to me that the letter form helped to give the characters greater depth. We even see characters understanding or the development of character develop. It gently highlights some noble values, is humorous, and plays out situations and relationships entertainingly and praises genuine friendship, organic eating, 'well rounded' learning, holistic health with a mind and body unity, kindness, travel, and temperance.I find myself nodding in agreement when a characters their 'folly can be more provoking than knavery.'In this tasty book I encountered pimps an authors of first distinction.I also found who I heard called a 'gilly' in Ireland may be called a 'Gaelly' in the Highlands. Was also caused to wonder what st Patrick might have ti do with St. Mongah.I liked it.

I'm now reading a work by Edelman and Tononi called "A Universe of Consciousness."

Copied from "California"

"Time won't stand still, but light can travel slower than a jet plane. Electrical engineering and computer science professor Connie Chang-Hasnain led a team hat built a 'laser amplifier' that slowed a beam of light to just 546 miles an hour at room temperature __ less than a millionth of its normal speed. The invention, funded by the Pentagon, could one day make fiber-optic networks more efficient. That's right __ slow light could lead to faster networks."

A Mouse in Your Pocket

One: We heard about the whales and the dolphins washing up on the shore dead. We heard that the Navy was killing them for national security and we said, "OK."

Another: Who is this 'we' of whom you speak?

One: Have you seen any of those abnormal 'contrails' we used to see? The ones that lasted so long and blocked the sky? They seem sickening. Remember, the Air Force told us nothing?

Another: Who is this 'us' and 'we' of whom you speak?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


  • colorful red and yellow peppers, they have twice as much vitamin C and a lot more beta carotene than do the green ones.
  • foods rich in vitamin C to increase the amount of iron your body absorbs from other foods.
  • sodium free mustard by mixing mustard powder with a bit of water, vinegar, or milk.
  • prepared horseradish; it has half the calories and one tenth the sodium of mustard or ketchup.
  • a whole orange you peel; whole oranges lose less vitamin C than does any juice.
  • the Chinese or Thai cold noodles with peanut sauce you like in a lower fat version: mix 4 tablespoons of smooth peanut butter with the juice of a lemon, 2 teaspoons of reduced-sodium soy sauce, 1 tablespoon water, and some chopped scallions. Blend and then toss with cold cooked fettuccine or linguine.
  • a new fruit or vegetable every week or so and have some fun boosting your antioxidants and getting your veggies.
  • a sweet potato. a three and a half ounce sweet potato contains three times the recommended daily amount of beta carotene, half the RDA for vitamin C, and just 100 calories.
  • a fresh herb soon. Fresh herbs are more potent in antioxidant power that the dried, Culinary herbs in general have more antioxidant potential than medicinal one such as ginkgo. Fresh oregano and marjoram are great.


  • Zebrafish regenerate them all the time.
  • You have them in your ear.
  • Loud noises break them.
  • They are small hair-like cells.
  • You have about 16,000 of the in your left ear.
  • The respond to vibrations to help you keep your balance and to determine where a sound is coming from.
  • Can you tell where a sound is coming from as well as ever?
  • Soft noises cause these hair cells to shift at their bases.
  • Loud sounds can cause them to break.
  • Once they are gone, they never grow back in humans.
  • Stereocilia damage is a cause of tinnitus.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


There may be more Jews in the U.S. than there are in any other country including Israel. The U. S. probably has fewer than 6,000,000 Jews. Israel probably has fewer than 5,500000. The population of Israel is about 75% Jewish. The U.S. population is less that 2% Jewish.

2% by world standards is high:
the U.K. is about.4% Jewish
Hungary and Canada about 1% each
France perhaps .8%
You may know that Jews sometimes divide into two groups: The Askanazi and the Sephardic. Askanazi being largely Central European and Sephardic being largely Iberic, but could be Spanish via Turkey.
The Jews now in the U.S. are largely from Askanazi background as one might expect.
But counter to what one might expect earlier Jewish settlement in the U.S. was Sephardic. First and maybe earliest were those who settled in the Rio Grand valley of what is now New Mexico. Later a group settled in New Amsterdam and started a synagogue there.
The picture above, I believe is of a synagogue in Spain well before the Inquisition.
Please tell me where I am full of beans. I try to be correct in my opinions, but many of the need revision.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Economy of Brazil

If you are interested in how the people of Brazil have been dealing with recent national economic problems you might do well to begin by learning a bit about Jose Sarney.

Changes in Nutritional Values

If I could learn to link posts within this blog you might know that I have been making some efforts to find out about changes in the nutritive values of our fruits and vegetables over recent decades. I am close to giving up those efforts.

I have found that recent nutritional values of many foods have been nicely and authoritatively laid out by Susan E. Gebhardt and Robin G. Thomas in Home and Garden Bulletin Number 72 of the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA. However, they make no comparisons, with past values.

I have also learned that David Haytowitz, a Vegetable Nutrition Data Specialist for USDA might know of such comparisons, But have not been able to contact him. Many of the people on government agencies are home on vacation.

Shirley Evans King, Ed. M., R. D. of the Food and Nutrition Information Center of the Information Research Branch of the National Agricultural Library,
301-504-5225 tells me that such information might be available from Truck Crops Experimental Station (part of the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Raymond, MS).
P. O. Box 231
2024 Experimental Station Rd.
Crystal Springs, MS 39059
phone 601-892-373
fax 601-892-2056 may have pertinant information, but I have failed to follow up.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Family Pedigree One

My interest in my family background has grown a bit. I know a bit of it from having lived it. I learned a bit more by attending to stories told by parents and other relatives. Those stories were usually interesting, but not always reliable. Just a very few years ago I began to realize that my sister's interest in our family background was practical, active, and quite well developed. She had, through practice and study, gained a high level technical knowledge of genealogical research. She is the expert on our family pedigree.
A bit or her enthusiasm rubbed-off on me. Then she told me that my neice, Gloria, had had some DNA testing done. Sounded like something easy enough for me to do. I could sit back and let others do the work. I contacted Gloria about the testing. I was easily convinced that if I were tested, my results would complinment the results of her testing and visa versa.
I sent an inner cheek sample (just like on TV) to Genealogy by Genetics at and had myself tested for 67 markers.
No compliments yet, but I have begun to learn a bit about genealogy; genealogy by paper-trail research and genealogy by genetics. Learn the most by looking at the results of my sister's research. "Paper-trail" research does seem to be the most fruiful.
Still, when a paper trail is lost, genetics, it appears, has a chance of finding it again.
My sister now tell me that her other daughter, Debra, has developed her family tree so far as to have over 8000 individuals in it!

7950 or thos individuals must be from her husbans family. The development of my family tree seems to be barred my a number of 'bars sinistre' as well as by the results of political disturbances in Prussia and Ireland.


Have you read:
The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Revisited
by Samuel Farber?
Me neither.
I read that it goes into recently declassified U.S. and Soviet documents and Cuban biographical and narrative literature to reinterpret the island nation's radical shifts between 1959 and 1961.
What were you doing during those years? I ended up in Colombia after a slow trip through Central America. While I was in Honduras I was offered a 'beca' to study in Cuba. Went to Columbia instead.
The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Revisited was published fairly recently by The University of North Carolina Press.
Might prove enlightening.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've just published a comment about me getting to the age whereat I repeat myself and find I am getting to the age whereat I don't remember which post I publish a comment to. Help.


Harriett got me to thinking of India, soo ....

Krishna was born in prison at Mathura and was smuggled out. As a teenager he returned to Mathura and killed Kamsa, the king; openinging the way for the old king, Ugrasena, to regain the thrown. Krishna and his Yadav clan became the de facto rulers.

Krishna was soon sent to Guru Sandipani's ashram to complete his education.

Kamsa's relatives and allies came to regain the thrown and Krishna returned to help his clan, but soon he and his clan had to retreat.

He retreated far and built a fabled city at Dwarka on the western coast of India. He built on the sunken ruins of of other important cities of even more ancient fable.

If we studied the texts of the Mahabhrata and of the Bhagwat Puran we might discover more or those fables.

Does my retelling seem true

Overheard at the Rodeo

A: "What kind of world is it when some of the best cowboys are indians?"

B: "One where some of the best indians are cowboys."

Turning Pages

I was just turning the pages of a handsome coffee table book on Jackson, Mississippi.
While I was doing so I got to thinking that it would be interesting to find a book that dealt with how the people of the “southern states” learned to be “southerners” from the time Lee and Grant quit fighting until we decided to kill Europeans in WWI. Can anyone recommend to me a social history of The South during that period?

Then I got to thinking that I’d like to find a similar history of the perceptions of the French people and the American people of their interactions from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the Louisiana Purchase. It might be called “What Have They Ever Done for Us?” or “Thank Them for What?”

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From Art

"Hi Richard,I'm sending you this email so your new address gets into my address book. How are you? Where are you? Art-- Aging is really, really bad for you. It shortens your life. So please look at my website today for a promising solution to end aging, (Note: I make frequent additions to this website so come back often).(And to "see" me, "roll-over" my name on top)"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Studs Terkle

He is dead. I miss him already.
He had brains and balls.
He was a gentle man.
He loved people and persons.
Considering his brains and balls, which do you think were Jewish and which do you think were Polish? Can any American not care?
Check with the Chicago Historical Society.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Federal Follow-Up

Thank you.


Thank you for contacting the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA requested that your query be addressed by the staff of the National Agricultural Library. Your question has been forwarded to a reference librarian and will be answered within five business days.

Research and Reader Services Team
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, MD 20705
...advancing access to global information for agriculture

From: Webmaster [mailto:Webmaster@ARS.USDA.GOV] Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 4:32 PMTo: Agricultural ReferenceSubject: FW: Question from Ask the Expert-- Agricultural Research - 1225934058261

From: []Sent: Wed 11/5/2008 8:14 PMTo: WebmasterCc: Experts, -USDASubject: Question from Ask the Expert-- Agricultural Research - 1225934058261
This question was received by the Ask the Expert inbox on Wed, Nov 5, 2008. Please reply to the customer within five (5) business days, by Wed, Nov 12, 2008.If this email has been routed improperly, please return this email to the USDA Webmaster with the phrase Improper Routing added to the beginning of the subject line. Thank you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Where can I find information on changes in the nutritional value of truck crops in recent decades?Who handles such data?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Mago Bill

I have mentioned one of my great grandfathers, M. William Sheehan in two previous posts.
My sister Gerry, the family genealogist, says that her research shows that the "M" in M. William Sheehan stands for Mago, and she is a woman who stands behind her research. So, the name is Mago William Sheehan, Mago Sheehan.

My great grandfather is Mago Bill.

Best Buckin' Bulls

The U. S. has the best bucking bulls in the world.

Today the best bucking bull riders are Guilherme Marchi and Robsen Palermo.
Marchi, and Palermo are both from Brazil.

I wondered why in Brazil I was asked about bucking bulls. My answer was something like my standard, "What does riding a bull have to do with cowboying or horsemanship? Followed by, "You have to be crazy." I wondered why my questioners responded politely but unenthusiastically. My more productive response might have been, "Why do you ask?"

There are good U.S. riders coming up and Justin Mcbride, the best for years, just retired.

Good Old Blue Eyes

Wasn't it Frank Sinatra who said, "do be, do be, do?" I'm thinking he had it right. I've sometimes thought that I should throw out "be" as too big to handle. Frank apparently suggests keeping the "be," but placing the emphasis on "do." Being sometimes seems pretty hard to me. Being good, being human, being happy, being joyous, being free, being an man all seem pretty difficult much of the time. Just "being" a husband, son, brother, or just a friend can seem overwhelming.

However, when I look at doing words, things look a bit less difficult. There are a lot of them. Even some 'being words' can become 'doing words.' Doing words, verbs, can be difficult too. 'To exist' may seem a difficult to know how to do. "Relax and enjoy it." is advice given about may doings; not always easy advice to take. Still many verbs seem more congenial to me than nouns. For example, if I am told to dance, I feel more capable of doing so than if I am told to be dance.

I heard a man say that his object in life was to be happy, joyous, and free. I believe that he tried to reach that goal. I don't know whether he succeeded or not. If he did, I bet it wasn't easy.

If someone tells me to be happy, it seems liked a good idea. But then when I consider how; how to put it into practice seems a bit of a problem. However, when I consider doing happy, or how happy is done, or doing something happy, I feel more capable. How can I tell if a person is happy? Isn't a smile an indication of happiness? I can smile. I can do happy. I can do something happy. I can do a happy act. I can smile.

If I am told to be good, it seems a big deal. It seems to be more that just "sit down and shut up." If I am told to do good, possibilities begin to open. If I decide to do something good, I think that it is probably possible to do so. I think I am capable of a good act. I think I can make a good move.

If I tell myself to be human, it seems that I have to do it all, and it seems difficult to me. However, when I try doing human, when I try to human, when I try one human act at a time, I can do it. I can walk. I can talk. I can crawl on my belly like a reptile(that's an act).

Being joyous seems easier than being joy. Doing a joyous act or making a joyous move seems easier yet. I can ask myself, "How does a joyous man look?" Well, if I see a man singing and dancing, and throwing his arms open to the universe I could call him mad, or I might call him joyous. I could do one of those joy acts.

Sounds a bit like the "fake it until you make it" suggestion, doesn't it. Well, is being a 'copy cat' all bad? Does "monkey see, monkey do" necessarily lead to mortal sin?

If I must be free, how do I do that. Well, 'to free' is a 'doing word.' I can do something to free myself from these tight shoes. by loosening these laces. I can free myself to spend more time in my garden by rearranging my time.

If I must be a man I may run into difficulties. Still, I usually feel capable of putting my pants on one leg at a time. That's a man thing. That is an act of a man. That is a way "to man."

I feel capable of doing a friendly act, or a brotherly thing even when I may not be sure of how to be a friend, or how to be a brother.

Thanks Frank. I have high hopes.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Get Understanding

With all your getting, get understanding.
What should we understand?
We had better learn to understand one another much better.
We had best.


To learn.
Cooperate to learn.
Organize to learn.
Learn to organize.
Learn to cooperate.
Organize to learn.


Smothers still has a good eye, a good heart, a good mind, and balls.

Nutrition Follow-Up

November 6, 2008Hi Richard,Your request was sent to the Food and Nutrition Information Center at the National Agricultural Library, USDA. There are two sources that may have answers regarding your question on nutritive values of truck crops over time. They are:1) David Haytowitz, Vegetables Nutrient Data Specialist for USDA. I'vecc'd him in this email.2) Truck Crops Experiment Station (part of the Central MississsippiResearch and Extension Center in Raymond,MS) P.O. Box 231 2024 Experiment Station Road Crystal Springs, MS 39059 Phone: (601) 892-3731 Fax: (601) 892-2056I hope this information is useful. Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance.Shirley King Evans, Ed.M., R.D.Food and Nutrition Information CenterInformation Research Services BranchNational Agricultural Library10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 109Beltsville, MD 20705-2351301-504-5255skevans@nal.usda.gov_____________________________

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prompt Responce


Your inquiry is beyond the scope of this USDA office.
USDA’s Agriculture Research Service may be able to assist you.
You may also find some assistance from USDA’s National Agricultural Library’s
Food and Nutrition Information Service (FNIC)

Thank you
USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
3101 Park Center Drive Suite 1034
Alexandria, VA 22301
From: Herring, David Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 9:18 PMTo: CNPPsupportSubject: FW: nutritional values of trruck crops over time

From: []Sent: Wed 11/5/2008 8:20 PMTo: Herring, DavidSubject: nutritional values of trruck crops over time
Where can I get information on changes in the nutritional value of truck crops over time? I'm especially interested in data from recent decades, but am also interested in older data.
Who handles such research?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Who Gives a Floss

Some mothers, fathers, citizens, and eaters care about the quality of our food. Some have an interest in how the nutritional value of our food has fared over the years. Some are interested in the changes in nutritional value of truck crops over the decades, especially recent decades.

As tax paying citizens we sponsor institutions that one would think would have some interest in changes in the nutritional value of our food. I haven't been able to find any. For Example:
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture;
Nutritional Data Laboratory of the Agricultural Research Service;
Fruit and Vegetable Division of the Agricultural Marketing Service;
do not tabulate the nutritional value of our food over time. Well, it does all changes to shit. Wonder who is interested in changes in shit. I remember a study of pigs .....

Even now, when deliberate genetic changes account for great changes in nutritive values of truck crops (fruit and vegetables), organizations such as: Fruit and Vegetable Chemistry Research, ARS, USDA, Pasadena, CA; Vegetable Production Research, ARS, USDA, Salinas, CA; College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, U. of Calif., Riverside; do no longitudinal studies on the nutritional value of food.

I remember having cared.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

5:13 PM PST; Obama

First time in 40 years I haven't voted in a Presidential election.

At 5:13 PM PST, I say Obama will be Pres.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Quote

I suspect its largely true.

"On December 5, 1915, Lieutenant A. D. Cunningham of the Royal Nave Air Service playfully flicked his finger against his airships fabric covering. The resulting sound, which he then mimicked, sounded like "blimp." Thus a word was born,"

In the language.

Gerry's Genealogy

Check out to begin to find out what made it hard for an Irishman to stay at home.

Power in the language.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"11,000 Year Old Monument"

The Smithsonian reports that in Turkey near Urfa on the Syrian boarder at a dig called Gobekli Tepe a series of beautifully carved standing stones are being investigated.
That makes this very interesting site 6000 years older than Stonehenge.

Income Reports

What is a good and easy way to get the reports on the sources of income and amounts of income for organizations such as FBI, CIA, Army, Navy?


Stonehenge is older than the Egyptian pyramids and the Passage Tombs of Ireland are older yet.

What do the Basque have to do with it?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Headed Home

I may need a nurse and some bearers to carry me in a basket on my next trip. I'm tired!
It used to be a great pleasure to fly Varig, that wonderfully generous and hospitable Brazilian airline. It's not gone. I have not seen, but have heard, that it is again flying domestic and foreign routes.
Copa, the Panamanian airline, is a fairly bare-bones operation with few comforts and not famous for it's food. Still, it flies all over the Americas and is often the cheapest way to go. I'll fly from Sao Paulo to Los Angeles via Panama on Copa.

Southern Brazil

Southern Brazil is green and temperate. It is among the very top of world rice growers. and has tremendous beef and dairy industry. It is also well capable of competing with Japan and Europe industrially in many levels.
There are many big beautiful cities in the south and, by far, Sao Paulo is the biggest. Sao Paulo is imposing, energetic, and rich with some scabs of poverty around the edges. That it has over 80 important museums suggests that in has its share of high culture and it, indeed, does. It's beauty is much of the Chicago and Los Angeles. I believe that it still has the largest Japanese community outside of Japan. It also may be the fourth largest city of the world.
Pelotas is the city closest to Uruguay. It is there that I noted three adjacent street-level offices along a business. Between a a bronze placked CPA office and the bronze placked office of a Lawyer,was one that at first thought to be and architect's office. However, on looking closer I read, "Magic and Alchemy."
Porto Alegre lives up to its name; except for the fact that it was raining while I was there.
"Floripa," the beautiful capital of Santa Catarina State, is a gem. I just passed through, but its buildings, island and bridges looked gem-like to me. Its small (less than 1/2 mill), rich, and prettily situated. Like much of the South it is strongly Portuguese greatly influenced by early and strong German and Italian immigration. It is also 100% Brazilian. Still, they have a very clear idea of who Garibaldi was.


Buses in Uruguay and Brazil are generally quite and comfortable. Usually no electronically amplified sound; seldom movies and I never experienced loud music.
In Brazil some passengers might get as unpleasant as some in coach on a flight. In general cross country buses are better than U.S. counter-parts, even back to the days when the "the old grey dog" was young and strong.

Beef and Soccer

Beef has always been big in Uruguay. However, it may now be easier to get some of the best pasta dishes outside of Italy, and adaptations of some of the best European pastries here than it is to get a good cut of prime beef. Still if one looks ....
Little Uruguay competes with Argentina in quality beef productions as it does in futbal. Futbal, soccer, is big here; I've seen major public functions delayed until the end of what seemed rather ordinary soccer matches.

I'm heading to Brazil overland.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Porto Alegre

It is beginning to feel like it is time for me to move less in the jostling, sounding, power of the world and more in the gentle tranquillity, the quiet reality, the silent energy, the beautiful calm of a deep inner undrstanding. Getting old, I guess. It is certain that this 71 year old doesn't have the energy and strength of that 31 year old I was.

I'm in the great city of Porto Allegre and thinking of home. Yes, the history, luxury, industry, trade, sea, cattle, Woody Woodpecker, and general great birdng of this part of Brazil seem less attactive than does my desert home.

Let's see, what have I learned recently, Uruguayans like wiskey, cows, and off track beting. Brazilians like Woody the Woodpecker.

No spellcheck.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Adult Children of Alcoholics has a big new book I wouldn't mind taking a look at. Maybe it could be called a new Big Book.

As you may or may not know ACA is a 12 Step program somewhat similar to AA. Its name is historically correct, but not as discriptive as it might be. As I understand, it is usefull taking over responsibility for self-parenting where earlier parenting may have been less than perfect.

Crossing the Border

Hello again!
I am at the Brazilian border in the shopping town of Chuy on the Uruguayan side or Chui on the Brazilian side. The Brazilian side is celebrating the founding of the town today. I stayed here last night at a place quiet enough for me to sleep well at 'only' about $15 US. I'll stay here again tonight so that I may finish taking care of business for crossing into Brazil. Part of the business is paying the Brazilian Consulate over $150.00 for a visa. That is high enough for me to call it retaliatory.

Don't know whether the spellcheck is in Spanish or Portuguese. It is in Portuguese.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Attempt to Paraphrase

My cousin Kevin's words to his lovely daughters about Sheehan´s; daughters he came by, by the way of his very lovely wife:

The name Sheehan was seen among the Irish Republican Army volunteers of the Easter Rebellion. The name was seen among those who fought in the Irish War for Independence. Sheehans where there in the Irish Civil War. They where among the Provisional IRA of recent years. (Maybe not smart, but damn persistent.)

The song, The Galtee Mountain Boy, a route taken by an Irish Flying Column during the Irish Civil War, the commander was Michael Sheehan. You might also look up the song, Barr Na Straide, more Sheehans.

He speaks more of the South of Ireland and at the very interesting strings of history passing through, in and around through the may years.
He also speaks of claiming our rightful place.´ Hope its not the end of a rope.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Soon you may find it worth while not only to search the posts here, but to make a seperate search of the comments!!!

Health Report

Heart is good. My courtesy could be improved.
No sign of diabetis.
Cloresterol level is just below boarderline. (no spellcheck at all)
White blood cell and monocite counts are both significantly above normal.
Still have a cough and irritated broncchi.
My eyes are free of infection. Great!
Blood pressure is well under control.

Spellcheck is back, but in Spanish.

What's the Deal, Richard?

Just wandered out of the pleasant Posada Verdun to find this Cyber spot just off the main plaza. Stepped into a place to ask where this cyber place was. The place I stepped into turned out to be a sweet shop and fine bakery. It also turned out that this cyber spot didn't open until 3:30 about ten minutes from the time I arrived. So I stayed and ate three marvelous little filled pastries. Had strong coffee from a glass followed by a little chaser of sparkling water. Coffee was not quit as strong as a demitasse of cafe tinto in Colombia, but it was strong good and hot.

I'm in Minas the little capital city of the State of Lavavilleja, Uruguay. The Posada here not only seems quiet, clean, comfortable, and well run, but also of a price more nearly within my budget than any I've experienced so far in Uruguay.

Spoke long with an interesting young woman. She is studying labor law, making an excellent living as a human resources consultant, active in her university affairs, and has just begun tango lessons...... but, had to let her return to her rock and roll drummer husband.

Speaking of ladies, I left Isis at Dayman without saying good-bye. She had invited my to the spa at Arapay. I had the ill grace not to say ýes´ ´no` or anything. She is closer to my age than the young woman above, a widow, and likes to travel. She lives on the Rambla, which suggests that travel is well within her means. So, whats the deal, Richard?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dear Reader!

Hello, dear reader!
I´m very please that you are here.
Please leave me a comment.
I´ve left the Dayman Thermal baths and am back in a nice little hotel with a big name, Grand Hotel Uruguay, in Salto. Loved the water at Dayman.

My health is a bit better and have enjoyed the companionship of some ladies at Dayman. Left there without saying good-bye and with out accepting some invitations.
I still have some health related business to take care of here.

Speaking of business I note that I am still living well above my budget.

Have been considering some moves. I could head toward southern Argentina and even Antarctica. The weather is warming. From Argentina I could head to South Africa, Australia or New Zealand. Or .... I could head north toward Sao Paolo and Rio in Brazil and from there head to western Europe or North Africa or Arabia.

Expect to gradually have some improvements made to this blog.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Export Food Certification Programs for Uruguay, Barzil, and Argentina

Those interested in importing certified meats and other food-stuffs from Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil, including USDA ORGANIC, may profit from checking out:

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Am Williging to Pay .......

..... for help in improving the set up and design of this blog.

I really want some help to set up and redesign this blog so that it is easier to find.

I may also need help with the content, but don´t what help in that area at this time.

I need help, want help, and am willing to pay for help in the technical set-up and design of this blog. I need help with RSS, Atom, verification, site mapping, Sitemap, announcing interesting posts help readers find this blog, announce interesting post to aggregators.

I am interested in all that will help readers find this blog, but particularly the technical aspects at this time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Older Writings

Some of the old writings are worth reading. For example ....
I think I´d like to read a bit more of Plutarch´s Lives .
I´m curious to find a copy of De Foe´s Essay on Projects.
Dr. Mather´s Essays to Do Good may well be worth a look.

I´m still in Salto.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Salto; Uruguay

Uruguay is not a less costly place to live than is much of South America, but the general quality of goods such as hotels, food, clothing is often better in Uruguay.

At the moment the cost of living in Brazil is a bit higher than it is in Uruguay and is a bit lower in Argentina.

I am in Salto, Uruguay and trying to learn a bit about it. Historians disagree about the founding and origens of the city and no one concept of the founding has been agreed on. Still it is clear that Salto is located at at the terminas of what was the navigatable portion of the Rio Uruguay.

I am back to a spanish language spellcheck. Not much help for me.

Another bit of obscure and generally useless piece of info I picked up today is that strudents of the indigenous tribes of the area have difficulty in distiquishing those tribes by their artifacts; many of them being very similar. But, as is usual, style of ceramics has proved a useful distiguishing feature.

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