Monday, November 23, 2009

Inspired by and 'Stolen' from "All Considering" blog

"Mindfulness" is a excellent way of saying 'awareness' which many English speaking Buddhists use.

Mindfulness or awareness practice is a way to take some time to consciously be here now. When am I?

Some practical practices may include:
1. attending to your feet while grocery shopping;
2. attending to how you are sitting at the computer;
3. considering the nature or state of your "I" as you go through a door;
4. changing the the way you brush your teeth or put on your shoes;
5. while waiting, attend to your breath;
6. while doing an everyday task, attend to each little step;
7. take a deep breath, look around and see what is there;
8. when you find yourself getting irritated, smile.

Katinka jingled the mindfulness bell and the above came to mind.
Errors and foolishnesses are mine.

Lyre of the Bard

The words to modern songs and poems may hold the wisdom of the ages, the wisdom of the sages. There is power in listing to them when one hears well enough.

Listen to the words that ring true.
Listen to the words that help you to remember how great you are.
Listen to the words that help you feel that you are born to win.
Listen to the words that remind you that you are enough.
Listen to words that are welcoming.
Listen to the honest, fair, and just words.
Listen to the words that say what's on your mind and in your heart.
Listen to loving words of country, clouds, mountains, deserts, seas, shadows, colors, beaches, treas.
Listen to words that remind you of a beautiful, powerful kid within.
Listen for the words which ring true.

listen that you may hear

This Is It

It's not this or that.
It's not order or chaos.
It's not organized or disorganized.
It's being here and having a memory.
It's listening to one another
It's everything.
It's all.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Hyperborean Education

In this education dietary suggestions were made. For example millet was recommended for its nutritious qualities. This disciple was urged to avoid foods which acted counter to illumination, purity, and chastity of the soul or which got in the way of temperance or virtue.

Music and poetry were taught. Music was taught as a 'medicine' and an instrument of purification. Music was used to help develop and support mental states of readiness and fitness. Dancing to string instruments was included. Homer and Hesiod were important poets in his teaching.
The theory of music which lead to number and computation, was thought of as coming from sailors, merchants, and astronomers.

Cooperative politics were taught.

Divinity was taught. Nothing real need be hopeless. God first and then my promised word. An oath should be taken as sacred. Things divine can be learned even from the Celt and the Iberian.

Short sayings of the teacher are fine seeds for meditation.

The teacher called philosophy not only a desire for, and a love of, wisdom, but also the science of objectified truth.

Early Prussian Stuff

The Bronze Age Prussian culture, like other Bronze Age cultures, cam to be be strongly affected by the Iron Age technology of the La Tene Celtic culture as later as 400 BC.
The strength of the goddess Neringa wasn't protection enough in the face of the numbers in the Celtic migrations.

Scandinavian Viking began controlling trade in and through Prussian territory in about 890 AD. The Hill of Kaup near Wiskiauten may have been their first trading stronghold on the Prussian mainland. The wealth that this Scandinavian trade brought to the eastern isles of Scandinavia probably funded the beginning of the Swedish state.

Truso was an important trading center in Pomeranian Prussia long before the arrival of Scandinavians Viking. I suspect that amber trade with Rome moved through Truso.

Before 98 AD Romans found the Prussians to be more like Britains of that time then like the peoples of what the called Greater Germania. The Romans called the people they found on that Baltic coast Acstii. They noted that they still had very few iron weapons and tools, but still used mostly bronze and even stone.

Linguists believe that the evidence shows that Prussians are more closely related to Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians than to almost all other peoples.

My aim here as on all by blogs, is to start a conversation.
I'm interested in your questions, answers, comments, feelings, beliefs, thoughts,,,,,
You might ask, "What's Prussian?"
You might answer, "My aunt Millie."
You might comment, "Who cares about Balts."

You're really into this if you look for answers to:
Who knows a lot about the Nehugs-Kurisch language? or
How did the Sambians affect the Old Prussians in what became the Duchy of East Prussia.

Mostly Teddy

I've always thought pretty well of both presidents Roosevelts, but have tended to favor Franklin.

I have admired both of them for their support of the American Labor Movement.

Their last Dutch ancestor was Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt. Cornelius was born in the Netherlands in 1794 and later founded the Chemical Bank of New York which later became Chase Bank. The family got off to a good economic start.

I wonder if Theodore named Sagamore Hill after Wampatuck, who was, it seems, related to the Mattakeeset of Massachusetts Indians and was known English settlers as Josiah Sagamore. Who can tell us more about Sagamore? I believe that he is thought to havre sold the land Boston stands on to the English and that he died leading tribal members to fight Mohawks.

Speaking of Teddy, do you remember the Main?
I heard that in 1976 Admiral Hyman G. Rickover established that the blast on the Main was most likely a large internal explosion cause be spontaneous combustion in inadequately ventilated bituminous coal which then ignited gunpowder in an adjacent magazine.

Wasn't there something about a ship near the beginning of the Viet Nam "war?"

It it was a war in VietNam why was it a police action in Korea?

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