Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Citizen, You Can:

~ enliven our republic,
~ dialogue,
~ practice compromise,
~ choose,
~ practice forming coalitions,
~ be a functional part of the body politic,
~ participate in ongoing National dialogue,
~ educate yourself,
~ have a legal contract with a representative of yours,
~ know more of about our laws and treaties,
~ help another to good citizenship,
~ better know what it means to love your neighbor appropriately,
~ have a representative working for you and yours,
~ have all the needed information,
~ arrange to get the information you need,
~ know that without movement there is no Movement,
~ know who would deny you your legal power,
~ have the freedom to exercise your natural, god given, Constitutional power,
~ know the rights of a citizen,
~ practice your rights,
~ have help in claiming your rights,
~ know that by law citizens have equal rights,
~ its against the law for a rich citizen to have a right another citizen does not,
~ know the laws of citizenship,
~ as as citizen there is very little you have to do,
~ state your ideas of justice,
~ lay out your political sentiments,
~ state new rights you believe you should have,
~ get a new and better representative,
~ have more than one representative.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Citizens, You Can

Citizen,you can:

be represented,
know your representative,
be a good citizen,
have a representative who knows and respects you,
be free to make a mistake and to learn fro it,
decide with others,
get a representative,
support a representative,
share values, assumptions, opinions,
protect yourself,
demand the full service of the law,
tell your representative how to vote,
claim your Constitutional rights,
get effective representation,
support another citizen,
be supported by another citizen,
get rid of a representative who doesn't cooperate,
send a representative to our representative,
decide what great justice you want,
prioritize your wants, needs, desires,
and live your life.


According to my doctors I have:
permanent nerve damage,
chronic diarrhea,
chronic hypertension,
and do not deserve help in collecting my medical records.
They also seem to believe that they have no duty to share my records with other doctors.

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