Friday, February 13, 2009


When a financial organization is to big to fail it is too big to exist.
Know the difference between oligarchy and democracy.
Know about Teddy Roosevelt and trust.

Mago William Sheehan

I believe that the given name Mago has been fairly common in southern Ireland from time to time. It was also known among the Phoenicians throughout the Carthaginian period.

It was the name of my paternal great grandfather. Thanks to the research of my sister, Gerry Hook, I know enough about him to want to know more. His full name was Mago William Sheehan.
I like to think of him as Mago Bill. This particular Mago was born in Ireland, perhaps on the Dingle penninsula, about 1839. He died on April 5th 1902 in Des Moines, Iowa. But before he did, he married Mary J. Carroll in Des Moines on November 27th of 1860.

Mary J. was born in Ireland in about 1841. Her father was Martin Carroll who was born in Ireland, probably in county Kerry, about 1810. Her mother, Margaret, was born in Ireland about 1813. Martin left Ireland in about 1850 and arrived in Burlington, Iowa in 1852. Mary had sisters: Bridget 1843 - 1910, married Daniel Madden; Julia 1848 - 1932, married Edward Mackin.

Mago William Sheehan arrive in Burlington, Iowa in about 1850. He and Mary had nine children:
James W. 1861 - 1920, married Letticia Srafford;
Margaret C. 1863 - 1931, married James Cornelius Sheahan;
John B. 1866 - 1929, married Marie Timmins;
Thomas F. born 1868;
Martin born 1870, died between 1880 & 1885;
Catherine/Kate born 1872, married E. W. Osborn;
Edward Michael 1876 - 1929, married Zoa Paschel & Mary Goetz;
Robert Emmet 1880 - 1957, married Adelaide Gora Smith;
Joseph Carroll, born on August 26th of 1884 in Des Moines, Married Josephine Sophia Helwik on January 16th of 1907.

Joseph Carroll Sheehan was my grandfather.

I've recounted all this in hope that you or another reader of these words can add to what I know about Mago William Sheehan, his wife, his children and their spouse, or perhaps Mago's parents.

I will be very grateful for any information you may be able to provide. You may add your comments or questions right here or you can email me at richardsheehan@rocketmail.

Pass the Ammunition

Our national policy has been in large part to kill "the bad guys" or to lock them up and to trust in God for the good of the rest.
We said "Live and let live." which meant we each minded our own business and didn't kill "the good guys."
We have practiced little cooperation for the common good.
We took little care of public health and were disgusted by public welfare.
Our words to live by see to have been "Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition."

Will we ever adopt words to live by that include ideas of of practical responsibility for taking care of public health and general public welfare?
When will we adopt "words to live by" that urge effective cooperation for the common good?
Can't we combine appropriate freedom with appropriate kindness?
Can't we leave a bit more of the killing to God and learn to trust our fellows a bit more?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

On Considering the Bible

Man has seen law as bipartite for a very long time. Part of law refers to ones obligations to society. Another part of law refers to human observation of the repeating processes in nature. Looking at examples from history, it seems science may have developed more readily from polytheistic religion and that may be due to similarities between fate and natural law.

Proverb is a useful key for success in life. Proverb is a repository for wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge are not the same. Wisdom contains more potential for being able to deal appropriately with that which may happen. Knowledge seems more applicable to the particular and the actual.

Nineveh is a name for Assyria of visa versa.

Wisdom is dealt with in Ecclesiastes. It seems to be dealt with energetically. Koheleth, the editor, seems a vigorous realist. He seems to appreciate and open mind. As many wise me do, ha has collected Proverbs. ("Never a borrower or lender be.") He seems to see foggy thinking as a major sin. Like most wise men, he values detachment without withdrawal. He seems to believe that our ability to detect the cyclical rhythm in nature is to be understood and used for our benefit. Koheleth seems to use a concept related to mystery, obscurity, eternity as a path beyond linear thought. He seems a man who believes: "That which is worth doing is worth doing well." "Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desires." "Its best to by joyful." "Rejoice and play all over the earth." "Love of wisdom is creative."

At what point can we no linger tell the dancer form the dance?

Air, light, spirit see to refer to energy, perhaps a knowing energy. The invisible is the source of the visible and somehow an opportunity for human energy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Words of Home Farm People Remind Me

"Make of thy daily way a pilgrimage."

"Thy will be done."

"settle into more minute and detailed study of the structure of the universe..."

We refine the quality of our humanity throughout the course of our lives.

Stay awake enough.

Pay enough attention.

You may discover that a small brave act of cooperating with another lights you with quiet joy.

Relax on purpose.

Enjoy rhythmic breath and dance as I move through the brush.

Know that to which you give value.

What happens to me is created by my own actions and reactions.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Make $600

"Would you like me to show you how you can make a minimum of $600 in the first 60 days with my company."

I was asked the question above last week. I didn't give a straight yes or no and wasn't shown how.
The Lady who asked the question did give me some interesting information and said that she would show me whenever I wanted.

I came to be talking with her because of my online search for a product I enjoyed using for a number of years. I found a company selling it and was put in contact with a distributor. The lady who asked me the question above is that distributor.
I don't remember her exact words, but believe that I have the basic facts straight. To get the $600, I find four people willing to make the $600. They each buy $500 worth of the product at a discount and so pay only $300. Ideally they find 3 or 4 other people.
So, If I pay $300 for a product I like and find four others to do the same, I get $500 worth of product, $600 in cash, and the start of a business. Sounds pretty good.

She asked me if I thought I could do that and I said, "No." I told her that I liked the product, but that I didn't know even one person interested in starting a little business and that I would probably never ask the question.
She said, "Fine, if you ever want me to show you or anyone else, let me know."
I said, "I don't see myself going into business again, but how might it work?"
She said, "Just give me a call and I'll explain it, get you started, and kind of hold your hand through it." She added that I should set up a three way phone conversation. On the the phone she would explain the way to the interested party, show them how to do it, and that I should listen and learn.

Okay, if you would like her to to show you how to make a minimum of $600 in the first 60 days with her company, email me at
Tell me that you would like her to show you how to make a minimum of $600 in the first 60 days with her company. You can include your phone number and tell me when to call. We can hear her out and see about making some money.

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