Entered Mexico at Nogales this time and said a little prayer at the church of the Immaculate Conception there.
I don't drive as well as I did. I've lost shirt and a pair of levies. Very hard to find hotels and motels that have the serene atmosphere I desire. Age. Still, I'm grateful that my humor remains good.
I've realized that I can't afford long term travel in a way that is truly comfortable for me.
From Nogales drove through Hermosillo to Guaymas. Of the two Guaymas was the more pleasant, but I went on to Empalme before I stopped and had some seafood. Took an expensive hotel room in Navajoa, but found its neighbors so noise that I left about 11 PM to sleep happily in my van.
It was not far form Navajoa that while I was traveling with 'Mando and my brother Gary long ago that Gary stepped very close to a coral snake with his bare foot and I a bit later fell from a train breaking hip and pelvic bones.
Ate jaiva and got an offer of a place to stay in Empalme.
A gentleman told me that the Mexican Government entered this downturn pretty flush. Seems the Fox administration was so tied up that it couldn't arrange to spend much so ended with a large surplus for Calderon administration.