Its a beautiful morning on this shore of Lake Titikaka. Im in the Hotel Rosario which is probably the best hotel in Copacabana. I have been lucky enough to get the best suit in the hotel. It has been quiet enough for me to sleep well.
Im here on a tour and have found my guide and taveling companions a delight.
I am disquited to dis cover that I have not been able to keep up with 60 year olds on walks. My oxigen intake seems to be my problem. Ever since that dose of something from the air conditioning on the flight from Motetevieo to Santiago and my subsequet lung problems I havre been left short of breath evn in my home on the desert. Here in the high Andes ther is no hiding from the reality of my diminished powers of oxegen intake.
Took a boat trip to the Island of the Sun yester day and walked to some ruins at which regular cerimonies take place to this day.