Saturday, October 24, 2009


I think that I have brought my blood pressure down by increasing my daily metoprolol from 100 mg to 200 mg and dropping the tecturnaHCT and valsazrtan.

Still have headaches, but it is great to see pressure going down.

Now, of I can get rid of diarrhea and joint pain, I'llbe a happy man.

Hiredmeat's "Dispatches from the S.S. Helen": California Teachers Association Comics

Hiredmeat's "Dispatches from the S.S. Helen": California Teachers Association Comics

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Native Thoughts

Some things I've heard that American Indians said:

~ A community that can distinguish itself from the greater society offers greater freedom, more personal fulfillment, and greater survivability.

~ This is my land. I have no other. I am related to this land by birth.

~ Support law and order by supporting the local chapter of the American Civil liberties Union.

~ Action attempted without discussion leads to dissension. Ongoing dialogue leads to harmony and understanding.

~ In this situation whether it is best to fight, coax, or run is probably a question of which is safest.

~ If he is not a friend and has the power to effect my life, that I can firmly grip his Adams apple with one had and his balls with the other comforts me.

~ I purposely show my feelings only to a very good friend, still I may show them to a great enemy.

~ Love is good. However, love may be felt or show for an inferior. A filthy animal may be loved.
Respect may be better than love where justice and equality are important. Reverence is best. I want to feel and demonstrate reverence for myself, my friends, my family, life, and all.

~ Consider well when one should take precedence over another.

~ Your group economy may find a better way to adapt to the economy of the country.

~ In relating to another you must serve that persons desires. If you do otherwise you are doing things to him, not for him.

~ A people should be made of strong individuals, with sound principles of their own choosing.

~ Decide before acting.

~ The function of the community is to protect the individual.

~ I want to be willing to learn from any one.

~ Parents teach their children.

~ Love all living.

~ We are we by speaking our will.

~ An idea may never die of old age.

~ Let's be quiet and listen to our inner urges again.

~ To be consulted and heard, get together.

~ I need no function to justify myself.

~ Trust accumulates.

~ Law is best when it follows the reasoning which comes from talking among ourselves.

~ A weak claim is no claim.

~ Strike for life!


I'm ill.


Foods that tend to counteract diarrhea; so I've heard:
brown rice


I feel too sick and overwhelmed to do anything.
Diarrhea for 17 months.
High blood pressure uncontrolled by the 6 drugs I am taking.
Rapidly increasing joint pain. Hip pain is particularly tiring.
No help from doctors.
No Ideas.
Little energy.
Little hope.

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